Monday, January 12, 2015


                           Today was a cold wet day. So I stayed home to keep warm,
                           after I did the school run and fed all the animals.
                           I decided that I needed to be more organised with my food shopping.
                           So I began making lists.

                           First I went through all my cupboards .

                           I  have already brought four washing powders when they were half price.
                           So that is already a big saving.

                                               Not enough room in the cupboards so bits on top.!

                                                         Still lots of pastas and rice left.

                           And this is all my baking bits. Completely full up. Still got jars of
                           mincemeat. Never got around to making any mince pies.
                           So must make some now....

                               I have two freezers. One is still full up and this one is half full. 
                                              Next I wrote everything I had down.
                                              (Excuse the messy writing)


                         Then I made a meal plan for the next month.
 Then worked out what I needed to buy each week.

                                                         Including food for the dogs etc.And toiltries.

Now I have a list for each week of exactly what I need to buy To
                            make all my meals. And lots of the meals I have arranged around what I have left .
       I am determined to spend less but eat well. And try not to waste food.
I have done meal plans before but not to this extreme.
            You are probably thinking this does not look like my kitchen .

                                      You are right. I keep my food in my utility room which is open
                                      to my kitchen. As I have no wall units in my kitchen.
                                      Have you made any lists food or otherwise.
                                      Would love to hear.


  1. Your cupboards are like mine very well stocked, I really must do the same.

  2. Wow,you have been busy,and so organized well done.I find with just the 2 of us we don't stick to meal plans which I have tried before but my husband tends to change his mind at the last minute lol.I do like to make lists though and do have a proper organizer my mum bought for me for each week,it does come in handy.Hope you are all well and those gorgeous doggies how is Archie is he ok.

  3. That's such a great idea to use up food that you've had and not letting it go to waste. You are very organized! I'm sure that took a long time to go through but now you're set.

  4. I think you are very organized. Good for you. I shop every two weeks and make a quick run halfway for fresh fruit, veggies and milk. I wish I were more organized with a menu like yours.

    Jane x

  5. Simple Living. It took me most of the day, But Now I know what I have.

  6. Lee. We will pick and choose from the meal plans exactly what we fancy on that day. But because we are using food we already have we can have extra treats now and again. Archie is fine now. Fur still not grown back from when vet shaved him on his back, legs etc. But he is eating well and is back to normal. Still not grown much. Thank you for asking.

  7. Kelly. It took me all day. But because I started I had to finish. I feel better knowing what I have now.

  8. Jane I am not always like this. I have been known to go in a supermarket and come out with everything except what I went in for.
